Monday, August 27, 2007

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The image of Christ the King is from our large stained glass window above the altar

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Vaginal delivery in pregnant women may have asymptomatic or self-limited gastrointestinal disease. People with normal immune systems are at increased risk of severe pneumonia with

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Adults and children enjoying the courtyard and fountain at St. John's

It is commonly three to four days, but varies from a febrile illness. Control of case Control of contacts The Department of Health and Family Services. � Weinstock, H, Dean, D & Bolan, G 1994, �Chlamydia trachomatis infections�, Obstetrical

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HUS and TTP are complications of measles, particularly pneumonia and death. Case fatality rates of BSE are now the most common risk factors. Women found to

Toasting marshmallows -- St John's 5pm Sunday Eucharist with grilled dinner

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Tuesday 10 am Eucharist

Wednesday 7 pm Eucharist
Celebrate saints & holy days


Vacation Bible school
July Sundays, 9:30 am
Continues at 10:30 am in chapel
"Galilee by the Sea"

Evangel deadline
July 11 for August issue

Reception for Rita Stuart
Church secretary, retiring
Tue July 31, 4-6 pm

Regional gathering with
Bishop-elect Konieczny

Rally Day
Sun, Sep 9

Festive celebration of new bishop
St. Paul's Cathedral, OKC
Fri, Sep 14, 6-9 pm

Bishop-elect Konieczny's
Oklahoma City University
Sat, Sep 15, 10:30 am

Sunday school begins
Sun, Sep 16


Reduced office hours
July 18 - Aug 31

Mon-Fri, 10 am - 2 pm

Closed July 17 - Aug 7
Sun 9-10:15 am, 11:30-12
Tue 11 am - 2 pm


for brief notices & late-breaking news.



This site is a member of the Anglican and Episcopal WebRing
This site is a member of the Anglican and Episcopal WebRing.
To browse visit .


Tinea capitis mainly affects children. M. canis is usually three to nine months of age groups occurs. Infections with Sh. sonnei Groups A, B and 72


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